03 9354 5843


The Oranda is one of the more popular fancy Goldfish, large specimens are very impressive with their large head growth or 'hood'. The size of the head growth increases with age: 4-6cm fish show barely any sign of a hood whereas in some adults (14cm+) the hood is so large it even starts to cover the fish's eyes! Can be kept either indoors or outdoors in a garden pond (but provide protection from predators if kept outdoors.) Red caps are one of the nicest Oranda, with the red cap a standout against the white body of this fish.

Features of Red Cap Oranda:

  • The redcap oranda’s body is covered with large, round, pure white scales
  • Cherry red wen that looks just like a cap
  • A long, split caudal fin that flows into a beautiful fan shape as they hang in the water
  • They are peaceful and hardy fish

The Best Aquarium Size for Oranda:

Depends on the size of Oranda, you could begin with a 30L aquarium for one small Oranda goldfish and change to 150L when it matures.

After an Aquarium for your fish? Browse our Aquarium Tank Selection here.

Tank Mate Compatibility:

The social and peaceful Oranda goldfish thrives in a community. These fish aren’t fast swimmers and can’t compete for food with fast-swimming types of goldfish. Avoid keeping Orandas with faster goldfish species like Shubunkins, common goldfish, and comet goldfish.

Great tank mates for oranda goldfish include:

Coburg Aquarium, specialised in different species of live fish.

Oranda Feeding :

The omnivorous Orandas accept dry flakes and pellets without any issues. High-protein snacks like brine shrimp, bloodworms, tubifex worms, and Daphnia are great, too.

Check out our Top Rated Natural Fish Foods.

Oranda Tank Set-up:

Filtration System :

Filtration system is necessary for Orandas. Oranda Goldfish prefer highly oxygenated water. You can achieve this with your filtration system. Alternatively, you can install an air bladder.

Substrate :

Orandas are diggers. Use rounded gravel or fine sand to cover the bottom of the tank.

Aqua One Gravel Dymax Gravel 2kg A variety of Substrates are available at Coburg Aquarium.

Plants for Orandas:

Orandas like to nibble on plant leaves and dig in the substrate, uprooting plants in the process. Artificial silk plants are a great alternative to live plants and plastic plants.

Decorations for Orandas:

Decorate the oranda’s tank with smooth rocks or ornaments without sharp edges or protruding points. Artificial plants can work well. Additionally, you can also choose to use Aquarium Ornaments such as: Kazoo handmade fish decorations, caves, rocks, and maybe even driftwood will create a fun playground for them to swim around.

Additional Information

Fish Keeping Snapshot :

Preferred Water Parameters :

Aquarium Set-up Service:

Our design team enables us to create the tank you desire, install your tank where you wish to and provide a maintenance service to ensure everything runs smoothly. We can create almost any aquarium from the small home aquarium to large commercial aquariums for offices, hotels or restaurants. Coburg Aquarium, Australia's leading aquarium shop.

Please contact us if you need any custom tank services.