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The Blue Sapphire Male Guppy is a stunning aquarium fish. Originating from Southeast Asia, they thrive in warm water with a temperature range of 24-28°C. They are a hardy species and can tolerate a range of water conditions, but we recommend keeping them in a well-maintained aquarium with a filtration system and regular water changes to ensure their health and happiness. Shop Blue Sapphire Male Guppy online from Coburg Aquarium is totally safe, we are delivering you with 100% satisfaction.

Features of Blue Sapphire Male Guppy:

  • Silver snakeskin pattern body with a red mosaic tail
  • They are a peaceful, hardy species, and are easy to care for in a freshwater aquarium
  • They do however feed mainly from the surface of the water
  • They are active swimmers and will often school with other peaceful fish

The Best Aquarium Size for Guppies:

Being small fish, guppies don’t need enormous amounts of room. Three Guppies can be kept in aquariums with the minimum 30L aquarium

Blue Sapphire Male Guppy Tank Mates:

Blue Sapphire Guppies are known for their peaceful nature, making them compatible with other calm fish like tetras, rasboras, and other guppy varieties. However, it is crucial to avoid aggressive or fin-nipping species, as they can induce stress and harm to the Blue Sapphire Guppies.

Guppy Food:

The guppies are happily eating tropical flake food, live, and frozen goods, like bloodworms. You guppies will also enjoy fozen or live brine shrip, blood worms, mosquito larvae, etc.

Check out our Top Rated Natural Fish Foods.

Blue Sapphire Male Guppy Tank Guide:

Heater :

Please install a heater if necessary. The ideal water temperatures should between 22 ⁰C - 28 ⁰C.

Plants for Guppies:

It’s suitable to use many different kinds of plants for guppies and decorations.

Interested in LIve Plants for your aquariums? Click here to see more Fish Live Plant

Decorations for Guppies:

Artificial plants can work well. Additionally, you can also choose to use Aquarium Ornaments such as: Kazoo handmade fish decoration, tube and artificial caves.

Substrate :

Gravel, Rocks, Pebbles

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