03 9354 5843


The Costae Tetra Black Line is a visually stunning freshwater fish that catches the eye of aquarium enthusiasts with its bold and contrasting coloration. With its sleek silver body adorned with a striking black line running horizontally along its midsection, this species adds a touch of elegance and drama to any aquatic display. The Costae Tetra Black Line's eye-catching appearance and peaceful nature make it a popular choice for both beginner and experienced fishkeepers.

Features Of Costae Tetra Black Line

  • Originating from the rivers and tributaries of South America
  • Semi-translucent silvery to green sheen on their bodies and gracefully transparent fins
  • This tetra exhibits natural schooling behavior but may display some nippiness
  • Aquarium Level - Middle to Top
  • Average Lifespan : 3-6 yrs

Costae Tetra Black Line : Care, Diet and Tank Mates

The Best Aquarium Size for Costae Tetra Black Line:

A minimum tank size of 75L is suitable for a small group of Costae Tetra Black Lines. This allows them ample space to swim and explore.

Costae Tetra Black Line Tank Mate Compatibility:

The Costae Tetra Black Line is a peaceful and sociable fish, making it an excellent choice for community aquariums. It thrives when kept in a small group of at least six individuals. Compatible tankmates include other peaceful tetras, rasboras, gouramis, or peaceful bottom-dwelling species like Corydoras catfish. Avoid housing them with aggressive fish or species sporting elaborate finnage.

Diet & Feeding:

The Costae Tetra Black Line is an omnivorous species. Flake, micropellets, small frozen foods such as daphnia, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, bloodworm, and white mosquito larvae.

Costae Tetra Black Line Tank Setup

  • Substrate: Choose a fine gravel or sand substrate to mimic their natural habitat.
  • Aquarium Ornaments: Create a visually appealing and stimulating environment for your Costae Tetra Black Line by incorporating live plants, driftwood, and rocks. These elements not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the aquarium but also provide hiding places and territories for the fish. Ensure that plants and decor do not have sharp edges that may damage their delicate fins.
  • Filtration and Water Quality: Utilize an efficient filtration system to ensure proper water circulation and remove waste. 
  • Heater : In colder climates, installing a heater is recommended to ensure a comfortable living environment for the Costae Tetra Black Line

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