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The 24K Full Gold Guppy is a fancy variety of guppy within the Australian aquarium trade. Guppies are freshwater fish, native to the coastal streams of northeast South America. Breeds very easily, best kept with similar sized fish in a planted community tank.

Do not keep with fin-nippers such as Tiger Barbs. Suitable for nano tanks. Guppies require clean, oxygen-rich water. Making sure filters are cleaned regularly to ensure sure all biological filters are working properly, ensuring no ammonia or nitrite is present to help with the overall health of the fish.

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Features of 24K Full Gold Guppy:

  • Bright yellow/ "gold" body
  • Active in top layer of tank
  • Suit for aquarium beginners
  • Peaceful community species
  • Bears live young

The Best Mix of Guppy Males and Females:

  • Guppies should be kept in trios : 2-3 females to each male.
  • You can also setup a males-only or females-only guppy tank.

Guppy Tank Mate Compatibility:

Guppies are peaceful fish and they can stay with other similar size peaceful fish. Some fish like fin nippers, bettas, large and aggressive species should be avoided.
Tank mates include:

24K Full Gold Guppy Diet:

Like all guppy varieties, they are onmivores, happily eating tropical flake food, live, and frozen goods, like bloodworms. You guppies will enjoy frozen or live brine shrimp, blood worms, mosquito larvae, etc.

Check out our extensive range of aquarium fish foods.

The Best Aquarium Size for Guppies:

Being small fish, guppies don’t need enormous amounts of room. You should provide at least 4L space for one fish. It is recommended to keep at least a trio (three) together in a fish tank with a minimum capacity of 20L.

After an Aquarium for your fish? Browse Aquarium Tank Selection here.

Guppy Tank Setup:

Aquarium Filter for guppies

A good filtration system is necessary as they enjoy clean and clear waters. Ensure flow rate is gentle as these small fish and fry can be pushed around easily. Ensure your filter has an adequate flow rate to effectively remove waste from the aquarium. Hang on filters, sponge filters and internal filters are great options for smaller aquariums.

Shop our comprehensive range of aquarium filters here.

Aquarium Heater for Guppies:

This fish enjoy temperatures between 22-28° C. If you are unable to maintain this temperature naturally, use an aquarium heater. Aquarium heaters also stabilize water temperatures.  A thermometer is recommended to monitor the water temperature.

Get yourself a new aquarium heater here. 

Aquarium Plants for Guppies:

If your fish breed, keeping floating plants and fine leaf plants such as ambulia, rotala rotundifolia, and java moss will provide young fry with protection.

Interested in live plants for your aquarium? View our range of live aquarium plants here.

Aquarium Decorations for Guppies:

Have fun with selecting aquarium decorations to your preference. Enjoy plenty of structure for fish to hide and rest when required. Resin ornaments, rock, and driftwood are all good selections.

View our large range of aquarium decorations here.

Aquarium Substrate for Guppies:

There are no specific aquarium substrate requirements for guppies. Aquarium sand, gravel, and pebbles are all suitable. Have some fun with colours that compliment the guppies you keep.

View our range of aquarium substrates here.

Additional Information

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