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A peaceful schooling fish, Cherry Barbs are suitable for planted community tanks. The super red is a captive bred species that are redder than the usual cherry barb. They are red with a dark stripe from head to tail, and males tend to go bright red when mature. Its unique bright red appearance make it a favorite among many aquarium hobbyists. They are a hardy species that will tolerate fluctuations in water parameters.
Shop live barbs online delivered with confidence with our livestock guarantee.
After an Aquarium for your fish? Browse our Aquarium Tank Selection here.
Ideally, house no fewer than five Cherry barbs in an aquarium as they are a schooling fish. Avoid housing them with slower-moving, long-finned fish.
Great tank mates for your Cherry Barb include:
Cherry barbs are omnivorous and naturally feed on insects, crustacean's and algae in the wild. They will readily eat a variety of foods, including pellets, flakes, frozen or live foods in the aquarium. It's important to provide them with a balanced diet to keep them healthy. Feed a quality flake or pellet and supplement with daphnia, bloodworms, and brine shrimp.
Check out our extensive range of aquarium fish foods.
Gentle water flow is preferred. When selecting an aquarium filter consider the size of your aquarium and ensure adequate volume to maintain clean water. Cherry barbs are a hardy species but do best in clean water. Sponge filters and hang on filters are suitable, cannister filters are a great option for medium to large aquariums.
Browse aquarium filters here.
Cherry Barbs thrive in a well-planted aquarium and can be seen darting in and around foliage. They will enjoy open swimming space in the forefront of the aquarium. Cherry Barbs may nibble at soft leaf live plants, use firmer leave foliage.
Great plants to consider include:
Interested in live plants for your aquariums? Browse live plants here.
Adding aquarium decorations to your fish tank provide places to hide and shelter, this reduces stress in your fish and may enhance colour and health. Add aquarium ornaments, caves, rocks, and driftwood in your aquarium to create a fun playground for them to swim around.
Check out our Aquarium Ornaments.
Cherry Barbs prefer subdued lighting. Adjustable LED lighting uses less energy, creates less heat and can be adjusted to ensure your fish are happy and healthy. You c an add floating aquarium plants such as java moss to create shade. Aquarium lighting is necessary for the photosynthesis required for healthy aquarium plants.
Looking for the ideal aquarium lighting? Shop fish tank lighting here.
Cherry Barbs prefer a darker substrate to help reduce lighting. If keeping live aquarium plants, consider using a nutrient rich aquasoil to optimize plant growth.
A variety of Substrates are available at Coburg Aquarium.