Endlers Guppy has become very popular, particularly for nano tanks. The males are very attractive with their luminescent colours. Previously considered a variety of Guppy, it is now considered a separate species. A number of colour varieties have been created by breeders, some the result of hybridising with Guppies. Ideal fish for Nano tanks. Browse our collection of freshwater tropical fish for more species.
Features of Guppy Endlers:
- This fish’s distinctive feature is its tiny size. Male: 2–2.5 cm; Female 3-4 cm
- They are super peaceful fish and can be kept with other aquarium fish
- Care Level : Easy
The Best Aquarium Size for Guppies:
Being small fish, guppies don’t need enormous amounts of room. You should provide at least 4L space for one fish. It is recommended to keep at least a trio (three) together in a fish tank with a minimum capacity of 20L.
After an Aquarium for your fish? Browse our Aquarium Tank Selection here.
Tank Mate Compatibility:
Avoid fin nipping species and large aggressive species. Bettas should also be avoided because of their similar flashy nature to guppies which could lead to aggression from the bettas' end.
Feeding :
Like all guppy varieties, they are onmivores, happily eating tropical flake food, live, and frozen goods, like bloodworms. You guppies will enjoy frozen or live brine shrimp, blood worms, mosquito larvae, etc.
Check out our Top Rated Natural Fish Foods.
Guppy Endlers Tank Guide:
Heater :
The temperature of your guppy’s tank should match that of its native, natural habitat. Ideal water temperatures sit between 22⁰C - 28⁰C.
Looking for a Heater for your fish? Check all available Tank Heater here.
Light :
You can choose to use lighting in your aquarium if that’s what you prefer. Easily replicate natural conditions with artificial lighting (12 hours of light every 24 hours). Need An Aquarium Light for your tank? Browse our
Fish Tank Aquarium Lighting
Substrate :
Gravel, Rocks, Pebbles
Plants for Guppies:
It’s suitable to use many different kinds of plants for guppies and decorations.
Java moss: a low-light plant that doesn’t require too much care, java moss grows easily and constantly once it attaches itself to the substrate;
Amazon sword plant: its wide and long leaves are great if you want to hide aquarium equipment, plus it offers cover for fry or expectant guppies;
Rotala Rotundifolia: If you want something more special, this plant has interesting leaves that can become reddish if the plant receives enough light; a compact and bushy plant that’s relatively undemanding;
Cryptocoryne Wendtii: a slow-growing plant that doesn’t require much in the way of maintenance.
Decorations for Guppies: