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Croaking Gourami is a freshwater fish of the gourami family. They are capable of producing a "croaking" noise using their pectoral fins. They are timid and shy specimens and may take a while to get comfortable in your tank.
Shop Gouramis online delivered with confidence with our livestock guarantee.
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Croaking Gouramis are compatible with most similar-sized, peaceful species. Avoid active and aggressive fish such as cichlids. No fin-nippers as well. Great tank mates include:
A filtration system is necessary. Try to add a gentle air-powered filtration such as a sponge filter. A power filter is not appropriate for a 30 to 110 liters gourami fish tank.
Croaking Gouramis are shy and they like to live in a densely planted environment. Put some rooting and floating plants in your fish tank will make them feel safe and secure.
Interested in Aquatic Plants for your aquariums? Click here to see more Aquantic Live Plant
You can add some Aquarium Ornaments such as: rocks, driftwood, and decor to provide enough hiding places and break up any strong water currents in your aquarium.
After some aquarium decorations? Check our Aquarium Ornaments.
Ensure the lighting is subdued. Light is necessary for the photosynthesis required for the health and growth of all aquarium plants. LED Aquarium lights could be a good choice.
Use sand or a dark, fine gravel for the tank substrate. A variety of Substrates are available at Coburg Aquarium Online Shop
Our design team enables us to create the tank you desire, install your tank where you wish to and provide a maintenance service to ensure everything runs smoothly. We can create almost any aquarium from the small home aquarium to large commercial aquariums. Please contact us if you need any custom tank services.