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Probably the most popular aquarium fish, Neons are schooling fish - the bigger the school, the nicer the effect. The albino neon tetra is a variant that lakes pigmentation. They look their best when in a planted tank with a dark substrate.

Browse more from our list to buy live fish online. Fish can be delivered to your door by Coburg Aquarium with 100% satisfaction.

Features of Albino Neon Tetra:

  • A variant of the neon tetra that lacks pigmentation
  • They are peaceful fish and can be kept with other aquarium fish
  • Small size tetra, easy to care
  • Average Lifespan : 5 years

The Best Aquarium Size for Tetras:

The recommended tank size for Neon Tetras is minimum 30L. You’ll likely need much larger tanks if you’re planning on introducing some tank mates. Provide plenty of space to prevent overcrowding.

After an aquarium for your fish? Browse our Aquarium Tank Selection here.

Tank Mate Compatibility:

A schooling fish by nature, the Neon Tetras are best kept in groups of at least six or more. Suitable tank mates for the Albino Neon Tetra are peaceful fish, not much bigger than they are. Here’s a list of some of the best tank mates for your Tetras:
Coburg Aquarium, specializes in a large variety of live aquarium fish.

Feeding :

Albino Neon Tetras are omnivores. Fine flake food, small granules, live or frozen brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms are all good food choices.

Tetra Tank Set-up:

Aquarium Heater:

Ideal water temperatures are between 22 ⁰C - 26 ⁰C

Looking for an aquarium heater for your fish? Check out our aquarium heaters here.

Aquarium Lighting:

Aquarium lighting displays your fish beautifully and provides essential light for aquarium plants. We recommend replicating natural daylight hours for your aquarium fish and plants. For customizable aquarium lighting, use LED aquarium lighting.

Aquarium Substrate :

Gravel and Dark Color Substrates make the albino neon tetra pop. They are less stressed with darker substrates and show more colour. If using live aquarium plants, consider using a high nutrient substrate such as an aqua soil.

A variety of Substrates are available at Coburg aquarium.

Aquarium Plants for Tetras:

They are accustomed to medium to large plants in their natural habitat and enjoy a well-planted aquarium with some open swimming space.
Interested in Live Plants for your aquariums? Click here for Live Aquarium Plants.

Aquarium Decorations for Tetras:

Artificial plants can work well. Additionally, you can also choose to use Aquarium Ornaments such as: Kazoo handmade fish decorations, caves, rocks, and maybe even driftwood will create a fun playground for them to swim around.

Additional Information

Fish Keeping Snapshot :

Preferred Water Parameters :