Serpae Tetra is one of the most intensely coloured fish in the Amazon. Can be a bit nippy if not given enough food, best not to keep them with long finned fish. Very hardy species, suitable for the beginner. Add a school of six or more serpae tetras to your aquarium along with plants, rocks, and caves to keep them interested, and enjoy watching as they explore. View more items online to purchase live fish in Coburg Aquarium.
Features of Serpae Tetra:
- The dorsal fin, edged with white, is predominantly black, and all other fins are red
- Females are plumper and less brilliantly coloured than their male counterparts
- They are peaceful fish and can be kept with other aquarium fish
- Care Level : Beginner
The Best Aquarium Size for Tetras:
You could start with a 30L tank. Although serpae tetras are small, they enjoy having plenty of space to shoal and swim. Opt for a larger tank if you are planning to add a few compatible species.
After an Aquarium for your fish? Browse our Aquarium Tank Selection here.
Tank Mate Compatibility:
The best tank mates for Serpae Tetras are other Serpae Tetras. We recommend keeping a group of 6. These fish are compatible with other fast-moving peaceful fish. It’s best to avoid slow fish that could be targeted for fin nipping. Here’s a list of some of the best tank mates for your Tetras:
Coburg Aquarium, specialised in different species of
live fish.
Feeding :
Serpae Tetras are omnivores. You can feed them fine flake food, small granules, live or frozen brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms.
Serpae Tetra Tank Set-up:
Heater :
Heater is needed for the tetra if the room temperature is low in winter. Looking for a Heater for your fish? Check all available Tank Heater here.
Light :
You can choose to use lighting in your aquarium if that’s what you prefer. LED lights will provide the most customization and allow you to reach the sweet spot.
Need An Aquarium Light for your tank? Browse our Fish Tank Aquarium Lighting
Substrate :
Sand, Gravel and Dark Colour Substrates. A variety of Substrates are available in Coburg Aquarium.
Plants for Tetras:
They are accustomed to medium to large plants in their natural habitat and enjoy a well-planted aquarium with some open swimming space.
Decorations for Tetras: