Gold Cardinal tetras are an active schooling fish and they live well in a peaceful community aquarium. The golden Color is a unique variation of the neon tetra developed via selective breeding. Sometimes sensitive, but usually quite hardy once they're settled. Need some experience to care them. All fish shipments have a 100% Satisfication Guarantee in Coburg Aquarium.
Features of Golden Cardinal Tetra:
Unique gold/opal color has great contrast against green and red plants found in most planted aquariums
They are peaceful fish and can be kept with other aquarium fish
Care Level : Intermediate
The Best Aquarium Size for Tetras:
Gold Cardinal Tetras can be kept in a 20L if there are only one or two of them. However, it’s generally recommended to keep them in at least a group of six. They swim in large groups when in their natural habitat; therefore, the bigger tank the better.
Tank Mate Compatibility:
A schooling fish by nature, the Gold Cardinal Tetras are best kept in groups of at least six or more. They make an excellent community fish due to their peaceful nature however they sometimes known to nip the fins of slower-moving fish, particularly those with long, flowing fins such as Bettas or Angelfish.
Here’s a list of some of the best tank mates for your Tetras:
Feeding :
The gold cardinal tetra is an omnivorous species and will accept most foods: Flakes and small pellets. You can also mix of frozen foods including daphnia, baby brine and Bloodworms. All foods should be in small pieces as cardinals have a small mouth.
Tetra Cardinal Gold Tank Set-up:
Heater :
The temperature of your Tetra’s tank should match that of its native environment. Ideal water temperatures sit between at a stable number between 23 ⁰C - 26 ⁰C
Light :
To imitate that in captivity, dim lighting would be ideal. LED lights will provide the most customization and allow you to adjust the intensity until you reach the sweet spot.
Plants for Tetras:
They are accustomed to medium to large plants in their natural habitat and enjoy a well-planted aquarium with some open swimming space.
Decorations for Tetras:
Substrate :
Gravel and Dark Color Substrates.