*This fish is a marine species*
The Royal Dottyback, also called the Bicolour Dottyback, are suited for the beginner aquarist due to their hardy nature, however can be territorial. Naturally found in reef environments, this species is a small brightly coloured carnivorous species. It will happily clean up any crustacean pests in your aquarium & enjoys darting between rock crevices.
This species is native to reefs within the Indo-Pacific Region.
Here’s a list of some of the best tank mates for your Royal Dottyback:
Due to it's semi-aggressive nature, tank mates need to be able to defend themselves. Do not keep with shy peaceful species or species that will make a snack out of the Dottyback. Not suitable for keeping with invertebrates.
Royal dottyback's diet should consist of a variety of meaty foods such as brine shrimp, freeze dried & frozen foods, dry flakes and pellets. They will consume crustacean pests in the aquarium.
Royal Dottybacks require a minimum tank size of approximately 115L. Ensure your tank has a lid as they are good jumpers.
After an Aquarium for your fish? Browse our Aquarium Tank Selection here.
Royal Dottybacks prefer water temperatures between 22°C - 27°C.
Looking for a Heater for your fish? Check all available Tank Heater here.
Replicate natural conditions with artificial lighting (8-10 hours of light every 24 hours.)
Need An Aquarium Light for your tank? Browse our Fish Tank Aquarium Lighting
Royal Dottyback require good filtration and water quality & flow to replicate natural conditions. They are a hardy species and will tolerate a range of water parameters within the preferred range.
Explore aquarium filtration products here.
Preferred substrates are aragonite or coral sands of a finer grade.
View our range of aquarium substrates here.
Provide lots of live rock, coral, structure and rocky overhangs for plenty of territory to hide in.
View our large range of aquarium decorations here.