03 9354 5843


Emperor Tetra is a very attractive tetra when full grown, and you'll often find in larger freshwater fish tank. It is lively, peaceful and its colours offer a pleasing contrast to those of many other species. It's a good tankmate for most commonly available community tank. Revered for their peaceful attitudes and relatively easy care requirements, these fish are great for beginners and novice fish keepers alike.

Features Of Emperor Tetra

  • The shape of the fish is long and slender. The primary color is bluish-gray.
  • Males tend to be slightly longer and take on a more pointed shape. Meanwhile, the females have a plumper body.
  • Emperor Tetras can be found throughout Colombia
  • Mid dweller fish in the fish tank
  • Life Span : 6 yrs

Emperor Tetra : Care, Diet and Tank Mates

The Best Aquarium Size for Emperor Tetra:

A minimum capacity of 50 liters to accommodate a small school of Emperor Tetras. A larger tank will allow for a more natural swimming space and better water quality.

Emperor Tetra Tank Mate Compatibility:

Emperor Tetras are social fish and thrive when kept in a school of at least six individuals. Emperor Tetras are generally peaceful and can be kept with other peaceful community fish, such as small tetras, rasboras, and dwarf gouramis. Avoid housing them with aggressive species.

Diet & Feeding:

Emperor Tetras are omnivorous and readily accept a variety of foods. Provide a balanced diet consisting of high-quality flake or pellet food. Supplement their diet with live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia to enhance their coloration and provide enrichment.

Emperor Tetra Tank Setup

  • Substrate: Choose a fine gravel or sand substrate to mimic their natural habitat.
  • Plants: Include live or artificial plants to provide cover and create a natural environment. Emperor Tetras appreciate dense vegetation, so consider adding floating plants as well.
  • Lighting: Provide moderate lighting to support plant growth while allowing for shaded areas in the aquarium.
  • Filtration and Water Quality: Use a quality filtration system to maintain water cleanliness and remove waste. A combination of mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration is recommended.
  • Heater : A heater would be necessary if the winter temperature is too low in your state of Australia.

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